The West Virginia Clinical & Translational Institute (WVCTSI) is now accepting letters of intent (LOI) to apply for the WVCTSI Research Scholar Program. The purpose of this program is to develop early-stage investigators to become principal investigators conducting research in the clinical and/or translational sciences. The desired outcomes for a Research Scholar include publication of peer-reviewed research and submission of applications for mentor-sponsored (e.g., NIH K-type) award, and obtaining extramural research awards (e.g., NIH R-type) as an independent investigator.
We are seeking candidates at the assistant professor level who are actively engaged in clinical or translational research and are committed to pursuing a career as a clinical or translational investigator. Candidates must be eligible to submit grant applications to one or more federal agencies. Priority will be given to candidates from clinical backgrounds. Appointments can be held at the following institutions: CAMC Institute/WVU Charleston, Marshall University, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, and West Virginia University.
Selected individuals are expected to 1) conduct mentored clinical and/or translational research (defined as research with human subjects or populations, or with direct application to human health),, 2) develop the foundation for research and leadership skills by participating in a structured and tailored professional development program, 3) work closely with the WVCTSI by participating in relevant mentoring, training, and educational programs, and 4) submit applications for extramural research funding.
Candidates will be eligible for two years of up to 50% protected time (up to the NIH Salary Cap) with salary support and additional research and travel funds. Research Scholar appointments may be renewed for one additional year on a competitive basis, depending on individual progress and available resources. WVCTSI salary support is meant to supplement existing protected time, not to replace it..
Instructions for the required Letter of Intent (LOI) are found here. The Candidate must have the support of their Department Chair and Division Head in order to be considered for this program. A statement of support from the appropriate supervisor should be provided along with the LOI.
The deadline for the required Letter of Intent is January 16, 2024. Application materials and an invitation to apply will be provided to you upon receipt and administrative review of your LOI. The final full application deadline will be March 1, 2024. Applicants will be notified by April 1, 2024 of their acceptance into the program. The start date for successful applicants to the Research Scholar Program will be July 1, 2024.
Informational sessions about the Research Scholar Program will be held on December 6, 2023 at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. This session will be held in room 301 of the WVU Health Sciences Center Erma Byrd Biomedical Research Building and via Zoom. Zoom connection information will be distributed upon registration.
Please direct questions to Kari Sisk, Ed.D., WVCTSI Assistant Director of Professional Development or Joan Lakoski, PhD, Director of Investigator Development, for the WVCTSI.