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Community Engagement & Outreach

The Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Core of WVCTSI brings patients, providers, and community members together, to ensure that the Institute’s research agenda reflects the health priorities of rural communities, and that study findings and recommendations inform practical, sustainable, and scalable strategies to promote health. The CEO Core has developed a critically important statewide infrastructure in West Virginia (WV), providing a platform for engaging communities, providers, and patients to participate as comprehensive research partners. The CEO vision is simple - research outcomes that improve real-life conditions.

Core Leadership:

Stephenie Kennedy-Rea, EdD – Co-Director, WVCTSI Community Engagement and Outreach Core

Brianna Sheppard, PhD - Co-Director, WVCTSI Community Engagement and Outreach Core


Jay Mason, MPA – Director of Community Programs/Project ECHO

Stacey Whanger, MPH – Director of Implementation Science Research and Assistant Director of WV Practice-Based Research Network

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